TÜBİTAK TEYDEB Project Consultancy

TÜBİTAK TEYDEB (Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Council Technology and Innovation Support Programs Directorate) projects cover the support programs provided to encourage the R&D and innovation activities of companies in Turkey.

TEYDEB projects provide various supports for companies to develop new products, processes or services, improve their existing products, processes or services, and increase their technology capacity.

Here is general information about TEYDEB projects and the application process:

Types of TEYDEB Projects

1501 - Industrial R&D Support Program
  • Supports R&D activities of industrial organizations.
  • It includes new product development, improvement of existing products or process innovation projects.
1509 - International Industrial R&D Projects Support Program
  • Supports R&D projects carried out by Turkish companies in international collaborations.
  • Encourages participation in international programs such as EUREKA and EUROSTARS.
1512 - Individual Young Enterprise (BIGG) Program
  • Provides support to entrepreneurs with technology-based business ideas.
  • It offers grant support to entrepreneurs to move to the commercialization stage of their business ideas.
1507 - SME R&D Startup Support Program
  • It encourages R&D and innovation projects of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs).
  • Suitable for SMEs that will do an R&D project for the first time.
1511 - Priority Areas Research Technology Development and Innovation Projects Support Program
  • It supports projects of strategic importance in certain sectors or technology fields.
  • It covers priority areas such as health, energy, information and communication technologies.
1505 - University-Industry Cooperation Support Program
  • It supports R&D projects carried out jointly by universities and industrial organizations.
  • Projects that bring together academic knowledge and industrial experience are targeted.

TEYDEB Projects Application Process

Development of the Project Idea
  • The company determines the subject and scope of the R&D or innovation project for which it wants to receive support.
  • Detailing the project idea and clarifying the goals.
Creating the Project Proposal File

  • Project plan, work schedule, budget plan and technical documents are prepared.
  • Necessary additional documents (e.g. collaboration agreements, patent documents) are attached.
  • Evaluation process
    • TÜBİTAK evaluates the applications from a scientific and technical perspective.
    • The evaluation process is usually carried out by independent experts and referees.
    • Criteria such as the innovative value of the project, applicability, technical adequacy and budget suitability are taken into consideration.
    Project Implementation and Monitoring
    • The supported project begins to be implemented in line with the determined plan.
    • Project progress reports regularly
    • Submitted to TÜBİTAK.
    • TÜBİTAK monitors and evaluates the project’s progress and budget usage.
    Preparation of the Application Form
    • The application form is filled out through the TÜBİTAK TEYDEB application portal.
    • Information such as project description, objectives, methods, expected results and budget details are entered.
    Submission of Application
    • The completed application file is submitted to TÜBİTAK TEYDEB.
    • The application is uploaded electronically to TÜBİTAK’s relevant system.
    Notification of Support Decision
    • If the application is evaluated positively, the amount and conditions of support will be notified.
    • The support decision is officially communicated to the project manager.
    Project Finalization and Reporting
    • When the project is completed, a final report is prepared and submitted to TUBITAK.
    • Project results and outputs are evaluated.
    TEYDEB projects make significant contributions to the development of innovation and R&D activities in Turkey. These projects help companies gain a stronger position in national and international markets by increasing their competitiveness.