Lean Manufacturing Consultancy

Basic Principles of Lean Production
  • Value
  • Value Stream
  • Uninterrupted Streaming
  • Pull System
  • Perfection
5S Methodology
  • Seiri (Classification)
  • Seiton (Arrangement)
  • Seiso (Cleaning)
  • Seiketsu (Standardization)
  • Shitsuke (Discipline)
Kaizen and Continuous Improvement
  • Kaizen events
  • The importance of small and continuous improvements
Pull System and Kanban
  • Operation of the pulling system
  • Use of Kanban cards
Total Productive Maintenance
  • Preventive maintenance
  • Autonomous maintenance
  • Increasing equipment effectiveness
Lean Leadership and Cultural Transformation
  • Leadership characteristics
  • Spreading lean culture throughout the organization
Value Stream Design and Innovation
  • Process innovation
  • Lean approaches in the product development process
Value Stream Mapping
  • Current state mapping
  • Future state mapping
  • Identifying steps that do not add value
Identifying and Eliminating Waste (Muda)
  • Transportation
  • Stock
  • Movement
  • Waiting
  • Overprocessing
  • Overproduction
  • Defects
Quick Change
  • Reducing installation times
  • Separation of internal and external installation activities
JIT (Just-In-Time) Production
  • Just-in-time production principles
  • Minimizing stocks
Quality Management and Jidoka
  • Quality control points
  • Automatic error detection and stop
Performance Measurement and Indicators in Lean Manufacturing
  • Key performance indicators (KPI)
  • Performance monitoring and reporting